
Dead Simple Screen Sharing

Create a Dead Simple Screen Sharing Meeting to do Screen Sharing and audio/video-conferencing session right from pimentaCHAT by sending a message screenshare

  1. In pimentaCHAT go to “Administration”->”Integrations” and create “New Integration”

  2. Choose “Outgoing WebHook”

  3. Configure the “Outgoing Webhook”:

    1. Select the “Event Trigger” as “Message Sent”
    2. Set Enabled to “True”
    3. In the Name enter “Dead Simple Screen Sharing”
    4. Under the channel type in all_public_channels,all_private_groups,all_direct_messages
    5. Trigger words type in screenshare
    6. Under URLs type: https://app.deadsimplescreensharing.com/webhook/pimentabot
    7. Under Post as: pimenta.bot
    8. Click “Save Changes”
    9. Done!

    Dead Simple Screen Sharing pimenta chat config

That’s it! we have integrated “Dead Simple Screen Sharing”, now when chatting we just have to send the message screenshare and a Dead Simple Screen Sharing meeting will be created, and you and your team members can visit the meeting link and perform screen sharing and audio-conferencing.

Dead Simple Screen Sharing pimentaCHAT integartion