

First of all, thank you for your interest in contributing to pimentaCHAT. If this is the first project you will contribute to, we strongly suggest reading Bitbucket’s excellent guide “Contributing to pimentaCHAT project”.

Getting Started

You can find our projects here. Go to the Issues tab and when you find something you would like to work on just comment on it and we will add an [In Progress label][progress_label].

If you already have a work in progress pull request open for that issue you can simply link that issue on your pull request or write Closes #ISSUE_NUMBER where the ISSUE_NUMBER is the number in the end of the link url.

Where to Find Tasks:

Want a simple task to get you started? [We maintain a list of those][easy_label]!

Check our developer guides for more detailed information about pull requests, workflow and API docs.

Priority Features and/or Bug fixes

If you want a feature or bug fix to be developed with a certain priority: