
Chat Methods

Url Short Description Details Page
/api/v1/chat.delete Deletes an existing chat message. Link
/api/v1/chat.getMessage Retrieves a single chat message. Link
/api/v1/chat.pinMessage Pins a chat message to the message’s channel. Link
/api/v1/chat.postMessage Posts a new chat message. Link
/api/v1/chat.react Sets/unsets the user’s reaction to an existing chat message. Link
/api/v1/chat.reportMessage Reports a message. Link
/api/v1/chat.search Search for messages in a channel. Link
/api/v1/chat.starMessage Stars a chat message for the authenticated user. Link
/api/v1/chat.sendMessage Send new chat message. Link
/api/v1/chat.unPinMessage Removes the pinned status of the provided chat message. Link
/api/v1/chat.unStarMessage Removes the star on the chat message for the authenticated user. Link
/api/v1/chat.update Updates the text of the chat message. Link
/api/v1/chat.getMessageReadReceipts Retrieves message read receipts. Link