

Usually you can update pimentaCHAT server pretty easily

Docker installation

Just pull the new image.

Snap installation

Refresh the snap.

Manual installation

Stop pimentaCHAT service:

sudo systemctl stop pimentachat

Remove the installation folder, usually in /opt:

sudo rm -rf /opt/pimentaCHAT

Download pimentaCHAT latest version:

curl -L https://releases.pimenta.chat/latest/download -o /tmp/pimenta.chat.tgz

tar -xzf /tmp/pimenta.chat.tgz -C /tmp

Install it and set right permissions to pimentaCHAT folder:

cd /tmp/bundle/programs/server && npm install
sudo mv /tmp/bundle /opt/pimentaCHAT
sudo chown -R pimentachat:pimentachat /opt/pimentaCHAT

Start the service:

sudo systemctl start pimentachat

Please also have a look at the installation documentation for your method of deployment to check for paragraphs that refers to installation.

There might be some major changes when we introduce big new features or modifications, you can always take a look on the releases page to see what has been changed, broken or added to pimentaCHAT.

You can see older major changes here: