
Get Room Roles

This method call is used to get room-wide special users and their roles. You may send a collection of room ids (at least one).

The result is a collection of users and its roles per room.

The user roles per room object is defined as:

  • rid: The room id this user and role belongs to
  • u: A simple user object with the user id and username
  • roles: The collection of roles of the user in the room
  • _id: the id of this object

Example call:

    "msg": "method",
    "method": "getRoomRoles",
    "id": "42",
    "params": [ "room-id" ]


    "msg": "result",
    "id": "42",
    "result": [
            "rid": "room-id",
            "u": { "_id": "user-id", "username": "username" },
            "roles": [ "role-name" ],
            "_id": "id"