
Get User Roles

This method call is used to get server-wide special users and their roles. You may send an empty list of parameters.

The result will be a collection of user. The user is defined as:

  • username: The username of the user
  • roles: The collection of roles the user belongs to (at least one role-name will be present)
  • _id: The user id

That information is used to identify key users on the server (ex.: admins).

Example call:

        "msg": "method",
        "method": "getUserRoles",
        "id": "42",
        "params": []


        "msg": "result",
        "id": "42",
        "result": [
            { "username": "username", "roles": [ "role-name" ], "_id": "user-id" },
            ... // more users