
Deploying pimentaCHAT on IBM Bluemix

IBM Bluemix includes three separate cloud platforms

  • CloudFoundry Runtimes
  • IBM Containers - based on Docker (in beta)
  • Virtual Machines (in beta)

pimentaCHAT can be easily deployed onto any of these cloud platforms.

The deployment literally takes 5 minutes. And Bluemix is well integrated with most legacy services and backend technologies that you may find in an enterprise environment. Bluemix is robust and can scale globally over IBM/Softlayer’s huge network of resources.

CloudFoundry is a very mature platform, it is the only Bluemix platform for production right now (Container and VM are in beta). The instructions below deploy pimentaCHAT to this platform.


  • a Bluemix account - free trial account will do
  • the CloudFoundry command line client (cf) installed (version 6.10 or higher)
  • git

Deploying pimentaCHAT

First, logon to the Bluemix dashboard and then:

*CREATE AN APP -> WEB -> .js (SDK for Node.js)

Then give your name a unique app name. After deployment, pimentaCHAT will be available over the Internet as:

https://<your app name>.mybluemix.net/

Leave the skeleton app to stage and start, logout of the dashboard. All remaining steps will be preformed at the command line.

Git clone the latest pimentaCHAT:

git clone https://bitbucket.org/pimenta-group/pimenta.chat.git

Change directory into pimentaCHAT, create a new .cfignore file with only one line in it:


This will minimize size of the push (by excluding local pimentaCHAT build artifacts).

Login to Bluemix via the CLI:

cf login

Create a mongolab ‘free’ sandbox instance - to be used by pimentaCHAT:

cf create-service mongolab sandbox <your db name>

Bind that service to your app:

cf bind-service <your app name> <your db name>

All that is left to do now is to push pimentaCHATt to the app you created early in the dashboard using meteor-buildpack-horse:

cf push <your app name> -m 512M -b https://bitbucket.com/pimentachat/meteor-buildpack-horse.git

That’s it. Everybody on the Internet can now access your instance of pimentaCHAT at https://<your app name>.mybluemix.net/.