
Load History

Use this method to make the initial load of a room. After the initial load you may subscribe to the room messages stream (see Stream Room Message).

This method accepts 4 parameters in the following order:

  • The room id
  • The NEWEST message timestamp date (or null) to only retrieve messages before this time. - this is used to do pagination
  • The message quantity
  • A date object - the date of the last time the client got data for the room

The result is composed of the messages collection and the unreadNotLoadedcounter.

The message object is fairly complex and have its own section describing it. The unreadNotLoaded counts the quantity of unread messages not loaded by the call.


Request of the latest 50 messages

    "msg": "method",
    "method": "loadHistory",
    "id": "42",
    "params": [ "room-id", null, 50, { "$date": 1480377601 } ]

Request of the latest 50 messages, using pagination

    "msg": "method",
    "method": "loadHistory",
    "id": "42",
    "params": [ "room-id", { "$date": 1480377205 }, 50, { "$date": 1480377601 } ]


    "msg": "result",
    "id": "42",
    "result": {
        "messages": [
            ... // messages
        "unreadNotLoaded": 0