
Nixstats notification

Add Nixstats notifications via a new WebHook in pimentaCHAT

  1. In pimentaCHAT go to “Administration”->”Integrations” and create “New Integration”
  2. Choose Incoming WebHook
  3. Follow all instructions like Enable, give it a name, link to channel etc. Set “Enable Script” to true and enter the javascript in the “Script” box
  4. Press Save changes and copy the Webhook URL (added just below the script box)
  5. Go to https://nixstats.com -> Settings -> Notification Contacts -> Add (or Edit a contact) contact
  6. Paste the pimentaCHAT url you’ve copied in step 4

Paste this javascript in the “Script” textarea on pimentaCHAT webhook settings

/* exported Script */
/* globals console, _, s */

/** Global Helpers
 * console - A normal console instance
 * _       - An underscore instance
 * s       - An underscore string instance

class Script {
   * @params {object} request
  process_incoming_request({ request }) {
    var url;
    var url_title;
      url = 'https://nixstats.com/domains/'+request.content.domain_id;
      url_title = request.content.name+" @ nixstats.com";
      url = 'https://nixstats.com/server/'+request.content.server_id;
      url_title = request.content.server_name+" @ nixstats.com";
    return {
        text: request.content.subject,
        "attachments": [
            "author_name": url_title,
            "author_link": url,
            "author_icon": "https://nixstats.com/images/favicon.png"

Render nixstats graphs in pimentaCHAT

Add Nixstats notifications via a new WebHook in pimentaCHAT

  1. In pimentaCHAT go to “Administration”->”Integrations” and create “New Integration”
  2. Choose Outgoing WebHook
  3. Select Message Sent as Event trigger
  4. Enter ns as trigger word
  5. Enter <https://api.eu.nixstats.com/v1/> as URLs
  6. Avatar URL <https://nixstats.com/images/favicon.png>
  7. Token, this is your nixstats API token, create an API key.
  8. Script Enabled set to True

Paste this javascript in the “Script” textarea on pimentaCHAT webhook settings

/* exported Script */
/* globals Store */

class Script {
  prepare_outgoing_request({ request }) {
    let match;

    match = request.data.text.match(/^ns servers\s(ls|list)\s*(.*)?$/);
    if (match) {
      let u = request.url + 'servers?perpage=99&token='+request.data.token;
      return {
        url: u,
        headers: request.headers,
        method: 'GET'

    match = request.data.text.match(/^ns graphs\s(.*)?$/);
    if (match) {
      var matched = false;
      var options;
      var serverrequest = HTTP('GET', request.url + 'servers?perpage=99&token='+request.data.token, options);
      var serverlist = []
      JSON.parse(serverrequest.result.content).servers.forEach(function(pr) {
        serverlist.push({'name': pr.name, 'id': pr.id});

      serverlist.forEach(function(serv) {
        if(serv.id == match[1])
          matched = serv.id;
        if(serv.name == match[1])
          matched = serv.id;

        return {
          message: {
            text: 'Server not found.'
        let u = request.url + 'server/'+matched+'?charts=yes&token='+request.data.token;
        return {
          url: u,
          headers: request.headers,
          method: 'GET'

    match = request.data.text.match(/^help$/);
    if (match) {
      return {
        message: {
          text: [
            '**Nixstats commands**',
              '  ns servers ls|list',
              '  ns graphs serverid|servername',

  process_outgoing_response({ request, response }) {
    var text = [];
    var attach = [];
      response.content.charts.forEach(function(pr) {
           "color": "#000000",
           "text": pr.title+" on "+response.content.name,
           "image_url": pr.url,
        text.push('Performance of '+response.content.name);
      response.content.servers.forEach(function(pr) {
        text.push(''+pr.id+"\t "+pr.last_data.load.replace(",",",\t")+"\t"+pr.name+'');
    return {
      content: {
        text: text.join('\n'),
        attachments: attach,
        parseUrls: false

After saving the data you can use the following commands to retrieve data.

ns servers list to list your servers with their ID’s and load average.

ns graphs [serverid] to retrieve a graph of Memory, Network, Load average and Disk usage of the specified server.