
In depth missing articles list

This list is a complement of the Documentation Map.

All the missing and outdated articles on the documentation map will be listed and linked to here.

These items are not in any particular order.


This article is empty. There we should explain how to use the i18n system to handle the translations of pimentaCHAT.


In this article we explained how to start the end to end and unit tests in pimentaCHAT. We need to add instructions on how to create new tests for new features.


This style guide needs to be converted to CSS, since the base is almost the same.


Not all permissions are listed on this article, and some of the permissions listed there don’t have a description.

And Fix the markdown table on that article.


Tell how the GridFS file storage mode works and how to configure it.

Local File System

Tell how the GridFS file storage mode works and how to configure it.


Add more updating guides for different environments.


This section should be completed with the details on how to install pimentaCHAT on RedHat.


Decide to either remove or complete this article.

Hipchat Cloud

Add instructions on how to import data from a cloud hosted hipchat.

Schema Definition

Add more details on what is this doc about.


Explain how the Wordpress Authentication works and how to set it up.


Add a little introduction and a list of links for the articles inside this folder.


Add instructions on how to set up analytics on pimentaCHAT using the Analytics section of settings.

Customizing the UI

Create a new section containing all the guides about customizing the ui using pimentaCHAT settings.


Create a guide on how to use the Layout setting section to customize some ui aspects of pimentaCHAT.


Create a guide on how to add assets (images, like favico and logos across the app) to pimentaCHAT.

Also Explain what each asset size will change.

General Settings

Create a new section Containing all the new guides about settings that alter the general behavior of pimentaCHAT.

General Section

Create a guide on how to use the General setting section.

Message Section

Create a guide on how to use the Message setting section.


Missing meteor Oauth section.

Adding Custom Emoji

Create a guide on how to add custom emojis to pimentaCHAT.

Adding Custom Sounds

Create a guide on how to add custom sounds to pimentaCHAT.

Auto Translation

Create a guide on how to set up auto translation and use it.

Custom Oauth

Create a guide on how to create custom oauth apps.

Using pimentaCHAT as an Oauth provider

Create a guide on how to use pimentaCHAT as an Oauth provider.

Oauth2 O365

Create documentation on how to use oauth2 o365 authentication service with pimentaCHAT. You can find info on this issue

Custom Fields

Create documentation on how to add custom fields to pimentaCHAT and how they work.