

Streams are the way to plug into a continuous source of updates (changes). Any subscriber registered will receive the latest changes as they occur.

In order to subscribe to a stream you must send a message with msg: sub, an unique id, the stream name and the params to be applied on the stream.

    "msg": "sub",
    "id": "unique-id",
    "name": "the-stream",
    "params":[ "event", false ]

The new stream API will propagate only changes to subscribers, which may break some drivers. In order to keep it back-compatible the last parameter in the parameters must be a boolean: whatever or not you required back-compatibility. If set to true you should receive an add event every time something new is created.

NOTE: before you can subscribe to any stream or use any Subscription related features, you have to send a login request using the RealTime API.

Unsubscribing from a stream can be done in the following way:

    "msg": "unsub",
    "id": "subscription-id"

Where the subcription_id is the unique id that was used when you initially made the call to subscription. The response will be following:

    "msg": "nosub",
    "id": "subscription-id"

Be aware that even a call to an invalid or nonexistent subscription_id will produce a non-error response containing at least "msg": "nosub", and whatever id you provided. The id field is omitted if no id was provided.