
Channel Methods

These methods apply to public channels only. Use groups.* methods for private channels.

Url Short Description Details Page
/api/v1/channels.addAll Adds all of the users on the server to a channel. Link
/api/v1/channels.addModerator Gives the role of moderator to a user in a channel. Link
/api/v1/channels.addOwner Gives the role of owner to a user in a channel. Link
/api/v1/channels.archive Archives a channel. Link
/api/v1/channels.close Removes a channel from a user’s list of channels. Link
/api/v1/channels.counters Gets channel counters. Link
/api/v1/channels.create Creates a new channel. Link
/api/v1/channels.delete Removes a channel. Link
/api/v1/channels.getAllUserMentionsByChannel Gets all the mentions of a channel. Link
/api/v1/channels.files Gets a list of files from a channel. Link
/api/v1/channels.getIntegrations Gets the channel’s integration. Link
/api/v1/channels.history Retrieves the messages from a channel. Link
/api/v1/channels.info Gets a channel’s information. Link
/api/v1/channels.invite Adds a user to a channel. Link
/api/v1/channels.join Joins yourself to a channel. Link
/api/v1/channels.kick Removes a user from a channel. Link
/api/v1/channels.leave Removes the calling user from a channel. Link
/api/v1/channels.list Retrieves all of the channels from the server. Link
/api/v1/channels.list.joined Gets only the channels the calling user has joined. Link
/api/v1/channels.members Retrieves all channel users. Link
/api/v1/channels.messages Retrieves all channel messages. Link
/api/v1/channels.moderators List all moderators of a channel. Link
/api/v1/channels.open Adds the channel back to the user’s list of channels. Link
/api/v1/channels.removeModerator Removes the role of moderator from a user in a channel. Link
/api/v1/channels.removeOwner Removes the role of owner from a user in a channel. Link
/api/v1/channels.rename Changes a channel’s name. Link
/api/v1/channels.roles Gets the user’s roles in the channel. Link
/api/v1/channels.setAnnouncement Sets a channel’s announcement. Link
/api/v1/channels.setCustomFields Sets a channel’s custom fields. Link
/api/v1/channels.setDefault Sets a channel’s default status. Link
/api/v1/channels.setDescription Sets a channel’s description. Link
/api/v1/channels.setJoinCode Sets the channel’s code required to join it. Link
/api/v1/channels.setPurpose Sets a channel’s description. Link
/api/v1/channels.setReadOnly Sets whether a channel is read only or not. Link
/api/v1/channels.setTopic Sets a channel’s topic. Link
/api/v1/channels.setType Sets the type of room the channel should be. Link
/api/v1/channels.unarchive Unarchives a channel. Link