
Create Integration

Creates an integration, if the callee has the permission. Requires manage-integrations and manage-own-integrations permissions.

URL Requires Auth HTTP Method
/api/v1/integrations.create yes POST


Argument Example Required Description
type webhook-outgoing Required The type of integration to create, webhook-outgoing and webhook-incoming are supported.
name Guggy Required The name of the integration, only is show on the Administration area.
enabled true Required Whether this integration should be enabled or not.
event sendMessage Required This field is required only for outgoing integration. The type of event, can be any of these: sendMessage, fileUploaded, roomArchived, roomCreated, roomJoined, roomLeft, userCreated.
username pimenta.bot Required The username who to post this the messages as.
urls ['http://text2gif.guggy.com/guggify'] Required The urls to call whenever this integration is triggered.
scriptEnabled false Required Whether the script should be enabled.
channel #general Required The channel, group, or @username. Can also be all_public_channels, all_private_groups, or all_direct_messages. Comma separated for more than one.
triggerWords !guggy Optional
Default: ''
Specific words, separated by commas, which should trigger this integration.
alias Guggy Optional
Default: ''
The alias which should be applied to messages when this integration is processed.
avatar http://res.guggy.com/logo_128.png Optional
Default: ''
The logo to apply to the messages that this integration sends.
emoji :ghost: Optional
Default: ''
The emoji which should be displayed as the avatar for messages from this integration.
token 8DFS89DMKLWEN Optional
Default: ''
If your integration requires a special token from the server (api key), use this.
script Integrations Optional Script triggered when this integration is triggered.

Example Call

curl -H "X-Auth-Token: 9HqLlyZOugoStsXCUfD_0YdwnNnunAJF8V47U3QHXSq" \
     -H "X-User-Id: aobEdbYhXfu5hkeqG" \
     -H "Content-type: application/json" \
     http://localhost:3000/api/v1/integrations.create \
     -d '{ "type": "webhook-outgoing", "name": "Testing via REST API", "event": "sendMessage", "enabled": false, "username": "pimenta.bot", "urls": ["http://text2gif.guggy.com/guggify"], "scriptEnabled": false }'

Example Result

    "integration": {
        "type": "webhook-outgoing",
        "name": "Testing via REST API",
        "enabled": false,
        "username": "pimenta.bot",
        "event": "sendMessage",
        "urls": [
        "scriptEnabled": false,
        "userId": "pimenta.bot",
        "channel": [],
        "_createdAt": "2017-01-06T13:23:46.018Z",
        "_createdBy": {
            "username": "graywolf336",
            "_id": "aobEdbYhXfu5hkeqG"
        "_updatedAt": "2017-01-06T13:23:46.018Z",
        "_id": "3aazpZ2WzoBP8msi9"
    "success": true

Change Log

Version Description
0.49.0 Added